1. Fertilizers and substrates

Fertilisiers and substratesSapropel, due to its high level of organics, micro and macro elements, humic and fulvic acids is highly valuable organic fertilizer and additive for substrates. It is successfully used for long-term improvement of soil and production of various substrates.

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Scientific research [1,2] has shown that:

  • Appliance of sapropel increases yields by 20 to 50 %, and is even more for some cultures;
  • Mineralization of sapropel is slow, therefore its positive impact remains for 5 and more years;
  • Use of sapropel together with manure, animal sewage or mineral fertilizers increases its rate of mineralization but also fastens the positive effect of sapropel;
  • Sapropel not only increases soil fertility, but also improves other agrochemical properties. It binds heavy metals and radionuclides in soil.

Properties of sapropel we offer:

  • Organic and odorless
  • Humidity of natural material: ~95 %
  • Organic matter in dry matter: ~92 %
  • Nitrogen in dry matter: 3,8 %
  • Huge diversity of micro and macro elements: N, K, P, Ca, Fe, Se, Zn, Cu, Mn etc.
  • Unlimited warehousing term

1 Bakšienė E. Durpių-sapropelio substratų efektyvumo vegetaciniai tyrimai. Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslo centro Vokės filialas. Trakų Vokė. 2012.

2 Bakšienė E. Organinio sapropelio poveikis sėjomainos derliui ir velėninio jaurinio priesmėlio dirvožemio savybėms. Žemės ūkio mokslai. Nr. 4, 2001.

2. Feed additive for animals and birds

Feed additive for animals and birdsSapropel, due B group vitamins, micro and macro elements, essential amino acids and bio stimulators in its composition is highly valuable feed additive for pigs and birds.
Sapropel can be used in production of various feeding mixtures and additives.

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Scientific research [1,2] has shown that:

  • Sapropel addition (up to 2 kg per day) in feed has increased growth of pig mass by 10-15 %, while at the same time decrease feed amount by 10-15 %;
  • Sapropel is great enterosorbent, thus through binding hazardous materials in intestines it protects animals and birds from diseases, decreases risk of death of piglets and poults, they grow healthier;
  • Usage of sapropel increases hemoglobin and erythrocytes level in animal’s blood.
  • Sapropel in feed improves poultry digestion, absorption of nutrients and calcium assimilation;
  • Sapropel addition (up to 40g of dry sapropel a day) increases mass growth of poultry by 8-15 %;
  • Sapropel increases number of eggs laid by 9-14 %, together with hardness of egg shells.

Properties of sapropel we offer:

  • Organic and odorless
  • Humidity of natural material: ~95 %
  • Organic matter in dry matter: ~92 %
  • Contains 16 different amino acids (including essential – Lys, Val, Leu etc.)
  • Huge diversity of micro and macro element: N, K, P, Ca, Fe, Se, Zn, Cu, Mn etc.
  • Unlimited warehousing term

1 Mikulionienė S., Baležentienė L. Sapropelio biocheminė sudėtis ir efektyvumas penimų kiaulių priesvoriui didinti. Vet Med Zoot. T. 48 (70), 2009.

2 Использование сапропеля в сельском хозяйстве. Труды Свердловского сельскохозяйственного института. Монография. Свердловск, 1962

3. SPA and balneotherapy

SPA and balneotherapySapropel is an unique material for used in balneology and SPA treatments. Sapropel contains many organic, biologically active substances and microelements. During a procedure, it not only has positive effects on skin, but also other body tissue and organs, improves blood flow, protects skin from drying and aging, moistens it.

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Procedures with sapropel improve blood flow and metabolism, helps body to remove hazardous materials and slags. After several baths with sapropel immune system starts to improve.
Sapropel is much more valuable for mud baths than peat, as it is more active and rich biochemically. Additionally sapropel has pH level close to neutral.

Properties of sapropel we offer:

  • Organic and odorless
  • Humidity of natural material: ~95 %
  • Organic matter proportion in dry material: ~92 %
  • Contains 16 different amino acids (including essential – Lys, Val, Leu etc.);
  • Huge diversity of micro and macro materials N, K, P, Ca, Fe, Se, Zn, Cu, Mn etc
  • Unlimited warehousing term

4. Material for industry

Sapropel in keramzit production:


One of the challenges in keramzit production is to create a clay mixture with as high as possible expansion coefficient. Sapropel, due to its organic, iron and silica content can be used effectively to increase that coefficient and to lower temperature needed.

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It has been scientifically [1] estimated, that:

  • an addition of organic sapropel increases expansion properties of clay and reduces its expansion and melting temperature;
  • mixtures with best expansion properties are made from non-carbonate clay with 3-5 % addition of organic sapropel. They expanded at 80°C lower temperature, when Kpv (expansion coefficient) = 3,36−3,42;
  • lower expansion temperature gives lower energy costs in production.

1 Vaičiukynienė D, Kantautas A, Vaickelionis G, Vaičiukynas V. Sapropelis keramzito gamyboje. LŽŪU MOKSLO DARBAI. 2009. Nr. 83 (36) ISSN 1684−116X.

Sapropel in biofuel production:

biofuelDue to its physical properties, properly prepared sapropel is suitable for biofuel production:

  • scientific research has determined that our organic sapropel calorific value reaches 20 MJ/kg
  • it has strong binding properties, very useful in briquettes and granules formation
  • dry sapropel does not absorb water
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During experiment biofuel briquettes where made from different proportions of sapropel and peat or straw [1]. It was determined that addition of sapropel increased calorific value of briquettes and made them stronger. When burning these briquettes, CO and NOx emissions where within allowable limits.

Research shows that viscosity of sapropel is highest at humidity of 55-60%. In production of briquettes with humidity lower than 10% it is appropriate to use up to 20% of sapropel in the mixture.

1 Kozlovska J., Valančius K., Petraitis E. Sapropel use as a Biofuel Feasibility Studies. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences; Vol. 2(5), 29-34, May (2012).

Sapropel can be a raw material for chemistry industry, also as an addition in the production of construction materials:

  • in the production of thermo-isolating panels can be used as effective binding material;
  • products with sapropel are resistant to mold;
  • various useful materials can be extracted from sapropel, such as: tar, pitch;
  • due to its bactericidal properties plants growing in soil mulched with sapropel have less diseases.
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Properties of sapropel we offer:

  • Organic and odorless
  • Humidity of natural material: ~95 %
  • Organic matter proportion in dry material: ~92 %
  • Ash content in dry material is 8 % (in addition, its ash is microscopic, and large portion of it flies out through the chimney
  • Level of heavy metals is well within allowed limits
  • Has antiseptic properties
  • Unlimited warehousing term